Academic Conferences and Lectures
This is just a selection of my research papers or presentations delivered at various academic events. I left out any presentation I delivered before 2003. The list contains some “gaps” depending on the time I spent in other projects, mainly non-academic. It should be read in parallel with the list of my business talks. From 2016 on, my academic involvement will be limited. Though I will continue to work on my research projects, I will no longer accept invitations or submit my research papers to public conference calls.
• DUCU, Cristian & Chiara Wüller (2022), Law Enforcement and the Metaverse. Brief Notes on Some Future Challenges; Conferința „Dreptul noilor tehnologii. Focus: Dreptul și inteligența artificială”, “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Institute of Legal Research, Romanian Academy – Center for European Law Studies (CSDE), January 25, Bucharest, Romania.
• DUCU, Cristian (2022), Some Brief Notes on Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence; invited presentation at the “International Tech Law Scientific Sessions,” July 23-28, Vatra Dornei, Romania.
• DUCU, Cristian (2022), The Risk of Doing Business in Russia. Political Risk and Geo-Strategic Challenges following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, 2022; at International Conference “Challenges of Doing Business in the Global Economy” – CBGE 2022, 9th Edition, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University and Institute of Global Economy, Romanian Academy, May 13-14.
• DUCU, Cristian & Andreea Stănciulescu (2022), The Institutionalization of Ethics in Romanian Universities. A Project Stuck in Shallow Waters; at VESA International Scientific Conference: “Ethical Values in Nowaday Society. Professional Errors and Ethical Dilemmas in the Covid-19 Era”, Brasov, Romania, May 5-7.
• DUCU, Cristian (2022), Revisiting Corporate Sustainability. How EU Is Pushing Responsibility Forward through New Regulatory Changes; at IABD 2022, 33rd Annual Conference: “The Shifting Paradigm of Work in a Post-Pandemic World,” April 7-8.
• POP, Mihaela & George-Mihai Popa & Cristian Ducu (2022), Whistleblowing in Romanian Public and Private Sector. A Regulatory Failure; at The International Conference “Perspective of European Business Law”, 1st edition, March 18, Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
• DUCU, Cristian (2022), Câteva considerații privind responsabilitatea în comunicarea publică în timpul unor crize sanitare. Lecțiile pandemiei de
CoViD-19 [A Few Considerations Regarding Responsibility in Public Communication during Major Medical Crises. The Lessons of the CoViD-19 Pandemic]; at “Responsabilitate pentru sănătate în Era CoViD-19” Online Conference, Iași College of Physicians, February 19 & 26.
• POP, Mihaela & Cristian Ducu (2021), Whistleblowing in Romanian Business Sector. Practices and Flaws; at “STRATEGICA International Academic Conference”, The 9th Edition: Shaping the Future of Business and Economy, October 21-22. [Conference Agenda]
• NEMTANU, Florin & Cristian Ducu (2017), Human Factors in Smart City Support Systems; at “Smart Cities Conference”, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, 5th Edition, December 7-8. [Presentation]
• DUCU, Cristian (2017), Ethics & Compliance in the Context of Large and Multinational Enterprises. From Organizational Integrity to ‘Captain Planet’; at Blanquerna Universitat Ramon Llull, Faculdad de Comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales, Barcelona, Spain, March 8, 2017. Guest Lecture. Contact: Enric Ordeix.
• DUCU, Cristian (2016), Consilierea morala in medicina de familie, revizitata. Consideratii asupra unei ipotetice propuneri de politica publica [Moral Counseling in Family Medicine, Revisited. Remarks on a Hypothetical Proposal for a Public Policy]; at “The Congress of the National Society of Family Medicine“, Iasi, Palas Congress Hall, October 28. [Abstract, Romanian]
• DUCU, Cristian & Diana Trifu (2014), Assessing Responsible Sourcing as Part of Corporate Sustainability. A Case Study: Extractive Industry; at “3rd International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business“, Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, October 9-10, 2014.
• DUCU, Cristian (2014), Morala in vremea lui Constantin Brancoveanu: intre teologie, filosofie si literatura [Ethics during Constantin Brancoveanu’s Rule of Wallachia: theology, philosophy or literature]; at “1714-2014. Constantin Brancoveanu Tricentenary”, Bucharest Academy of Economic Sciences, April 2.
• DUCU, Cristian (& Irina Stanciugelu) & Ioana Teodora Raicu (2013), The Social Responsibility of Mass-Media Institutions. Remapping the Organizational Responsibility; at International Conference “Towards the Good Society – European Perspectives”, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, October 25-26.
• DUCU, Cristian & Irina Stanciugelu (2013), Reconsidering the Social Responsibility of Mass-Media Institutions; at the 2nd “International Conference in Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business”, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, September 5-6.
• TRIFU, Diana & Cristian Ducu & Ana Constantinescu (2012), Is There a Moral Obligation of Wealthy Countries towards Protecting Human Rights in Poor Countries?; at the “Human Rights Thought and Practice in the Contemporary World“, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, November 24.
• DUCU, Cristian & Francesca Mazzucato & Ana Constantinescu & Ioana Teodora Raicu (2012), Individual and Corporate Responsibility: Measuring the Effectiveness of Ethics Training in Organizations; at the 1st edition of the International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business 2012, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, October 22-23.
• DUCU, Cristian (2011), Consultanţa morală în spitale şi în medicina de familie. Cum ar trebui tratate cazurile terminale [Moral Counseling in Hospitals and Family Medicine. How terminal patients should be treated]; at the 6th National Conference of Interdisciplinary Studies in Internal Medicine: “Clinical Case – from general to particular. Implications for prevention”, Workgroup for Interdisciplinarity Studies in Internal Medicine, Bucharest, November 25-26.
• DUCU, Cristian & Isabella Trifan & Teodora Raicu & Monica Matei (2011), Ethical Evaluation of New Techonologies in the ICT Sector. Challenges and Practical Approaches – Case Study: Cloud Computing in Medical Environment; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2011: “Ethical Aspects in New and Emerging Technologies”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 28-29.
• DUCU, Cristian & Valentin Mureşan & Emanuel Socaciu (2011), Aspecte privind instituţionalizarea eticii în domeniul cercetării asupra terapiilor celulare. Situaţia actuală şi priorităţile propuse [Aspects concerning the Institutionalization of Ethics in Research on Cell Therapies. Current Situation and Priorities]; at the Closing Session for PRIORI STRATEC research project, “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology, Bucharest, June 23.
• DUCU, Cristian (2011), Moving to Mandatory CSR? Or How to Put Your Eggs in the Wrong Basket; at the Annual Colloquium of the Communication and Public Relations Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, May 27-28.
• DUCU, Cristian & Raluca Petrescu & Elena Bărcaru & Anamaria Vasile (2011), Can Ethical Dilemma Provide a Specific Mindset for Ethics Committee Members in Universities?; at the 2nd International Conference on Ethics and Professional Culture: “Meddling with other people’s work. Cross-disciplinary Approaches on Moral Conflicts and (Mis)Communication in Organizations”, Center for Applied Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, April 15-16.
• NASTASE, Alexandru & Cristian Ducu & Toni Gibea & Alexandra Grigore & Oana Radu & Ana Mihai & Andreea Toma & Oana Hîrşeu & Irina Crăciun & Dana Cazacu & Andrei Orăşanu & Ioana Văcăraşu & Adina Burchiu & Alexandra Puescu & Eliza Dumitriu (2011), Communicating Ethical Norms in Corporate Environment; at the 2nd International Conference on Ethics and Professional Culture: “Meddling with other people’s work. Cross-disciplinary Approaches on Moral Conflicts and (Mis)Communication in Organizations”, Center for Applied Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, April 15-16.
• ANGHEL, Iulia & Cristian Ducu & Delia Ivan & Alexandra Ionescu (2011), Moral Consulting in Romanian Health Care Institutions. Overcoming the Paternalism of the Medical Personnel; at the 2nd International Conference on Ethics and Professional Culture: “Meddling with other people’s work. Cross-disciplinary Approaches on Moral Conflicts and (Mis)Communication in Organizations”, Center for Applied Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, April 15-16.
• DUCU, Cristian & Georgiana Ciobanu (2010), Câteva reflecţii asupra metodelor (euristice) simple de decizie etică [Some Reflections on Simple (Heuristic) Ethical Decision Making Methods]; at “Applied Ethics Workshops”, Research Centre in Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, November 11.
• DUCU, Cristian & Iulia Anghel & Oana Radu (2010), Pot face diferenţa normele morale în spitalele româneşti? [Can Moral Norms Make the Difference in Romanian Hospitals?]; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2010, 3rd ed.: “Legislating Ethics”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 29-30.
• DUCU, Cristian & Georgiana Ciobanu & Raluca Enescu (2010), Eficacitatea codurilor universitare de etică. O problemă neluată în seamă [The Effectiveness of the University Codes of Ethics. A Left-Over Issue]; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2010, 3rd ed.: “Legislating Ethics”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 29-30.
• DUCU, Cristian (2010), Ecotopia şi alte iluzii ale responsabilităţii sociale corporative [Ecotopy and Other Illusions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility]; at the “Public Debates on Applied Ethics”, Research Centre in Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, May 28.
• DUCU, Cristian (2010), Tipuri de expertiză etică în organizaţii. O cartografiere a expertizei etice în contextul sistemelor de management al eticii [Types of Ethical Expertise in Organizations. A Map of Ethical Expertise in the Context of the Ethics Management Systems]; at the “Criza instituţională a filosofiei în sistemul educaţional românesc. Problematizări şi soluţii pentru ieşirea din criză” Symposium, European College Foundation, Cluj-Napoca, April 23.
• DUCU, Cristian & Iulia Anghel & Gabriela Ionaşcu & Violeta Toma (2009), An Empirical Research of Romanian HealthCare Ethics Committees; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics ’09: “Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Bucharest, October 30-31.
• DUCU, Cristian (2009), Ethics & Compliance Officers’ Role and Moral Education in Business Organization; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics ’09: “Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 30-31.
• DUCU, Cristian (2008), The Role and Responsibilities of Ethics & Compliance Officers in Organizations; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics ’08: “Ethical Management, Corporate Strategy, and Sustainable Development”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 30-31.
• DUCU, Cristian (2007), The Role of the Ethics & Compliance Audit in Developing Internal Policies and Specific Ethical Codes; at the International Conference “Ethics and the Professional Culture. A Multi-Disciplinary Approach”, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, October 5-6.
• DUCU, Cristian (2006), J.S. Mill’s Arguments for Non-Intervention; at the “John Stuart Mill. 1806-2006” International Conference, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, November 3-4.
• DUCU, Cristian (2006), St. Thomas Aquinas on Dreaming; at Colloque international “Le Rêve médiévale et ses métamorphoses”, Centre d’Études Mevievales, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 27-28.
• DUCU, Cristian (2006), Two Concepts of Happiness in Aristotle and Aquinas; at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, July 4.
• DUCU, Cristian (2006), The Concept of Happiness in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on “Nicomachean Ethics”; at the “Aurelian Sacerdoţeanu Lecture in Medieval Studies”, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, March 30.
• DUCU, Cristian (2005), Plotinus on Eudaimonia: his criticism of the Aristotelian point; at the “Colloquium Plotinus 204/205-2005”, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, November 12.
• DUCU, Cristian (2004), Between Holocaust and Jihad: two similar violence phenomena; at the “Violence and Holocaust” Symposium, University of Bucharest, Center of Hebrew Studies “Goldstein Goren”, Bucharest, November 11.
• DUCU, Cristian (2003), ‘Auctoritas’ and Human Knowledge according to Thomas Aquinas; “Studia Mediaevalia Colloquium, II-a: «The Problem of Knowledge in the High Middle Ages»”, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, December 13-14.
• DUCU, Cristian (2003), Some Remarks on the Problem of Authority (Auctoritas) in Medieval Latin Texts; at the “Studia Mediaevalia Colloquium, I-a: «Miscellanea Mediaevalia»”, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, April 11.
Cover slide from a 2022 presentation on ethics institutionalization in Romanian higher education institutions delivered at VESA International Scientific Conference: “Ethical Values in Nowaday Society. Professional Errors and Ethical Dilemmas in the Covid-19 Era”
Cover slide from a 2022 presentation on whistleblowing held by Mihaela Pop, George-Mihai Popa and I at the 1st edition of the International Conference “Perspective of European Business Law”
Slide no. 24 of the Pop & Ducu (2021) presentation
includes an example that shows how a whistleblowing case might impact several functions throughout an organization and why we need an integrated approach