
Academic Conferences and Lectures

This is just a selection of my research papers or presentations delivered at various academic events. I left out any presentation I delivered before 2003. The list contains some “gaps” depending on the time I spent in other projects, mainly non-academic. It should be read in parallel with the list of my business talks. From 2016 on, my academic involvement will be limited. Though I will continue to work on my research projects, I will no longer accept invitations or submit my research papers to public conference calls.


DUCU, Cristian & Chiara Wüller (2022), Law Enforcement and the Metaverse. Brief Notes on Some Future Challenges; Conferința „Dreptul noilor tehnologii. Focus: Dreptul și inteligența artificială”, “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Institute of Legal Research, Romanian Academy – Center for European Law Studies (CSDE), January 25, Bucharest, Romania.


DUCU, Cristian (2022), Some Brief Notes on Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence; invited presentation at the “International Tech Law Scientific Sessions,” July 23-28, Vatra Dornei, Romania.

DUCU, Cristian (2022), The Risk of Doing Business in Russia. Political Risk and Geo-Strategic Challenges following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, 2022; at International Conference “Challenges of Doing Business in the Global Economy” – CBGE 2022, 9th Edition, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University and Institute of Global Economy, Romanian Academy, May 13-14.

DUCU, Cristian & Andreea Stănciulescu (2022), The Institutionalization of Ethics in Romanian Universities. A Project Stuck in Shallow Waters; at VESA International Scientific Conference: “Ethical Values in Nowaday Society. Professional Errors and Ethical Dilemmas in the Covid-19 Era”, Brasov, Romania, May 5-7.

DUCU, Cristian (2022), Revisiting Corporate Sustainability. How EU Is Pushing Responsibility Forward through New Regulatory Changes; at IABD 2022, 33rd Annual Conference: “The Shifting Paradigm of Work in a Post-Pandemic World,” April 7-8.

POP, Mihaela & George-Mihai Popa & Cristian Ducu (2022), Whistleblowing in Romanian Public and Private Sector. A Regulatory Failure; at The International Conference “Perspective of European Business Law”, 1st edition, March 18, Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

DUCU, Cristian (2022), Câteva considerații privind responsabilitatea în comunicarea publică în timpul unor crize sanitare. Lecțiile pandemiei de
CoViD-19 [A Few Considerations Regarding Responsibility in Public Communication during Major Medical Crises. The Lessons of the CoViD-19 Pandemic]; at “Responsabilitate pentru sănătate în Era CoViD-19” Online Conference, Iași College of Physicians, February 19 & 26.


POP, Mihaela & Cristian Ducu (2021), Whistleblowing in Romanian Business Sector. Practices and Flaws; at “STRATEGICA International Academic Conference”, The 9th Edition: Shaping the Future of Business and Economy, October 21-22. [Conference Agenda]


NEMTANU, Florin & Cristian Ducu (2017), Human Factors in Smart City Support Systems; at “Smart Cities Conference”, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, 5th Edition, December 7-8. [Presentation]

DUCU, Cristian (2017), Ethics & Compliance in the Context of Large and Multinational Enterprises. From Organizational Integrity to ‘Captain Planet’; at Blanquerna Universitat Ramon Llull, Faculdad de Comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales, Barcelona, Spain, March 8, 2017. Guest Lecture. Contact: Enric Ordeix.


DUCU, Cristian (2016), Consilierea morala in medicina de familie, revizitata. Consideratii asupra unei ipotetice propuneri de politica publica  [Moral Counseling in Family Medicine, Revisited. Remarks on a Hypothetical Proposal for a Public Policy]; at “The Congress of the National Society of Family Medicine“, Iasi, Palas Congress Hall, October 28. [Abstract, Romanian]


DUCU, Cristian & Diana Trifu (2014), Assessing Responsible Sourcing as Part of Corporate Sustainability. A Case Study: Extractive Industry; at “3rd International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business“, Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, October 9-10, 2014.

DUCU, Cristian (2014), Morala in vremea lui Constantin Brancoveanu: intre teologie, filosofie si literatura [Ethics during Constantin Brancoveanu’s Rule of Wallachia: theology, philosophy or literature]; at “1714-2014. Constantin Brancoveanu Tricentenary”, Bucharest Academy of Economic Sciences, April 2.


DUCU, Cristian (& Irina Stanciugelu) & Ioana Teodora Raicu (2013), The Social Responsibility of Mass-Media Institutions. Remapping the Organizational Responsibility; at International Conference “Towards the Good Society – European Perspectives”, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, October 25-26.

DUCU, Cristian & Irina Stanciugelu (2013), Reconsidering the Social Responsibility of Mass-Media Institutions; at the 2nd “International Conference in Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business”, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, September 5-6.


TRIFU, Diana & Cristian Ducu & Ana Constantinescu (2012), Is There a Moral Obligation of Wealthy Countries towards Protecting Human Rights in Poor Countries?; at the “Human Rights Thought and Practice in the Contemporary World“, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, November 24.

DUCU, Cristian & Francesca Mazzucato & Ana Constantinescu & Ioana Teodora Raicu (2012), Individual and Corporate Responsibility: Measuring the Effectiveness of Ethics Training in Organizations; at the 1st edition of the International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business 2012, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, October 22-23.


DUCU, Cristian (2011), Consultanţa morală în spitale şi în medicina de familie. Cum ar trebui tratate cazurile terminale [Moral Counseling in Hospitals and Family Medicine. How terminal patients should be treated]; at the 6th National Conference of Interdisciplinary Studies in Internal Medicine: “Clinical Case – from general to particular. Implications for prevention”, Workgroup for Interdisciplinarity Studies in Internal Medicine, Bucharest, November 25-26.

DUCU, Cristian & Isabella Trifan & Teodora Raicu & Monica Matei (2011), Ethical Evaluation of New Techonologies in the ICT Sector. Challenges and Practical Approaches – Case Study: Cloud Computing in Medical Environment; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2011: “Ethical Aspects in New and Emerging Technologies”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 28-29.

DUCU, Cristian & Valentin Mureşan & Emanuel Socaciu (2011), Aspecte privind instituţionalizarea eticii în domeniul cercetării asupra terapiilor celulare. Situaţia actuală şi priorităţile propuse [Aspects concerning the Institutionalization of Ethics in Research on Cell Therapies. Current Situation and Priorities]; at the Closing Session for PRIORI STRATEC research project, “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology, Bucharest, June 23.

DUCU, Cristian (2011), Moving to Mandatory CSR? Or How to Put Your Eggs in the Wrong Basket; at the Annual Colloquium of the Communication and Public Relations Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, May 27-28.

DUCU, Cristian & Raluca Petrescu & Elena Bărcaru & Anamaria Vasile (2011), Can Ethical Dilemma Provide a Specific Mindset for Ethics Committee Members in Universities?; at the 2nd International Conference on Ethics and Professional Culture: “Meddling with other people’s work. Cross-disciplinary Approaches on Moral Conflicts and (Mis)Communication in Organizations”, Center for Applied Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, April 15-16.

NASTASE, Alexandru & Cristian Ducu & Toni Gibea & Alexandra Grigore & Oana Radu & Ana Mihai & Andreea Toma & Oana Hîrşeu & Irina Crăciun & Dana Cazacu & Andrei Orăşanu & Ioana Văcăraşu & Adina Burchiu & Alexandra Puescu & Eliza Dumitriu (2011), Communicating Ethical Norms in Corporate Environment; at the 2nd International Conference on Ethics and Professional Culture: “Meddling with other people’s work. Cross-disciplinary Approaches on Moral Conflicts and (Mis)Communication in Organizations”, Center for Applied Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, April 15-16.

ANGHEL, Iulia & Cristian Ducu & Delia Ivan & Alexandra Ionescu (2011), Moral Consulting in Romanian Health Care Institutions. Overcoming the Paternalism of the Medical Personnel; at the 2nd International Conference on Ethics and Professional Culture: “Meddling with other people’s work. Cross-disciplinary Approaches on Moral Conflicts and (Mis)Communication in Organizations”, Center for Applied Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, April 15-16.


DUCU, Cristian & Georgiana Ciobanu (2010), Câteva reflecţii asupra metodelor (euristice) simple de decizie etică [Some Reflections on Simple (Heuristic) Ethical Decision Making Methods]; at “Applied Ethics Workshops”, Research Centre in Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, November 11.

DUCU, Cristian & Iulia Anghel & Oana Radu (2010), Pot face diferenţa normele morale în spitalele româneşti? [Can Moral Norms Make the Difference in Romanian Hospitals?]; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2010, 3rd ed.: “Legislating Ethics”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 29-30.

DUCU, Cristian & Georgiana Ciobanu & Raluca Enescu (2010), Eficacitatea codurilor universitare de etică. O problemă neluată în seamă [The Effectiveness of the University Codes of Ethics. A Left-Over Issue]; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2010, 3rd ed.: “Legislating Ethics”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 29-30.

DUCU, Cristian (2010), Ecotopia şi alte iluzii ale responsabilităţii sociale corporative [Ecotopy and Other Illusions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility]; at the “Public Debates on Applied Ethics”, Research Centre in Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, May 28.

DUCU, Cristian (2010), Tipuri de expertiză etică în organizaţii. O cartografiere a expertizei etice în contextul sistemelor de management al eticii [Types of Ethical Expertise in Organizations. A Map of Ethical Expertise in the Context of the Ethics Management Systems]; at the “Criza instituţională a filosofiei în sistemul educaţional românesc. Problematizări şi soluţii pentru ieşirea din criză” Symposium, European College Foundation, Cluj-Napoca, April 23.


DUCU, Cristian & Iulia Anghel & Gabriela Ionaşcu & Violeta Toma (2009), An Empirical Research of Romanian HealthCare Ethics Committees; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics ’09: “Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Bucharest, October 30-31.

DUCU, Cristian (2009), Ethics & Compliance Officers’ Role and Moral Education in Business Organization; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics ’09: “Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 30-31.


DUCU, Cristian (2008), The Role and Responsibilities of Ethics & Compliance Officers in Organizations; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics ’08: “Ethical Management, Corporate Strategy, and Sustainable Development”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 30-31.


DUCU, Cristian (2007), The Role of the Ethics & Compliance Audit in Developing Internal Policies and Specific Ethical Codes; at the International Conference “Ethics and the Professional Culture. A Multi-Disciplinary Approach”, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, October 5-6.


DUCU, Cristian (2006), J.S. Mill’s Arguments for Non-Intervention; at the “John Stuart Mill. 1806-2006” International Conference, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, November 3-4.

DUCU, Cristian (2006), St. Thomas Aquinas on Dreaming; at Colloque international “Le Rêve médiévale et ses métamorphoses”, Centre d’Études Mevievales, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 27-28.

DUCU, Cristian (2006), Two Concepts of Happiness in Aristotle and Aquinas; at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, July 4.

DUCU, Cristian (2006), The Concept of Happiness in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on “Nicomachean Ethics”; at the “Aurelian Sacerdoţeanu Lecture in Medieval Studies”, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, March 30.


DUCU, Cristian (2005), Plotinus on Eudaimonia: his criticism of the Aristotelian point; at the “Colloquium Plotinus 204/205-2005”, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, November 12.


DUCU, Cristian (2004), Between Holocaust and Jihad: two similar violence phenomena; at the “Violence and Holocaust” Symposium, University of Bucharest, Center of Hebrew Studies “Goldstein Goren”, Bucharest, November 11.


DUCU, Cristian (2003), ‘Auctoritas’ and Human Knowledge according to Thomas Aquinas; “Studia Mediaevalia Colloquium, II-a: «The Problem of Knowledge in the High Middle Ages»”, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, December 13-14.

DUCU, Cristian (2003), Some Remarks on the Problem of Authority (Auctoritas) in Medieval Latin Texts; at the “Studia Mediaevalia Colloquium, I-a: «Miscellanea Mediaevalia»”, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, April 11.

DUCU, Cristian & Andreea Stănciulescu (2022), The Institutionalization of Ethics in Romanian Universities. A Project Stuck in Shallow Waters; at VESA International Scientific Conference: “Ethical Values in Nowaday Society. Professional Errors and Ethical Dilemmas in the Covid-19 Era”, Brasov, Romania, May 5-7.

Cover slide from a 2022 presentation on ethics institutionalization in Romanian higher education institutions delivered at VESA International Scientific Conference: “Ethical Values in Nowaday Society. Professional Errors and Ethical Dilemmas in the Covid-19 Era”

POP, Mihaela & George-Mihai Popa & Cristian Ducu (2022), Whistleblowing in Romanian Public and Private Sector. A Regulatory Failure; at The International Conference “Perspective of European Business Law”, 1st edition, March 18, Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

Cover slide from a 2022 presentation on whistleblowing held by Mihaela Pop, George-Mihai Popa and I at the 1st edition of the International Conference “Perspective of European Business Law”

 POP, Mihaela & Cristian Ducu (2021), Whistleblowing in Romanian Business Sector. Practices and Flaws; at “STRATEGICA International Academic Conference”, The 9th Edition: Shaping the Future of Business and Economy, October 21-22.

Slide no. 24 of the Pop & Ducu (2021) presentation
includes an example that shows how a whistleblowing case might impact several functions throughout an organization and why we need an integrated approach