Business Talks
The following list contains only a selection of my talks delivered at business events and other non-academic meetings. The selection starts with 2010. For some of the entries, I have also provided external links to the original websites, announcements, press releases or event agendas. This list of business talks should be read in parallel with the list of my academic presentations. There are years when I am very busy on a business level, and others when I dedicate more of my time to academic projects.
• A couple brief observations about some specific transversal competences (TVCs) related to ethics and education in Romania in the context of Lifelong Learning (LLL), at the European Conference for Transforming Education, University of Bucharest, November 9. Organized by EUROLINK – House of Europe, with support of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the University of Bucharest.
• Moderator, Roundtable “The Costs of Regulatory Compliance in the Banking Industry”, International Conference “Perspectives in Banking and Financial Law”, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, October 7. Guests: Olivia Stan (Head of Compliance Department at the National Bank of Romania) and Mihaela Bouleanu (Compliance Executive Director at OTP Bank Romania and President of the Compliance Commission at the Romanian Banking Association).
• DUCU, Cristian (2022), Whistleblowing in the Banking Sector. Romanian Experience with the Regulatory Framework; International Conference “Perspectives in Banking and Financial Law”, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, October 7.
• DUCU, Cristian (2022), Building a Case for the Integrated Approach to Ethics & Compliance; 4ta Cumbre Iberoamericana Mujeres líderes en integridad, Instituto Internacional de Ética y Cumplimiento, Mexico City, October 5. [Video feed from the conference]
• DUCU, Cristian (2022), Etica activității de lobby. Câteva ‘observații marginale’ [The Ethics of Lobby. Some ‘Marginal Remarks’]; Forumul Național de Lobby și Advocacy, April 7, Marshal Garden Hotel, Bucharest, Romania.
• DUCU, Cristian (2022), Positioning the ESG/Sustainability Initiatives with the Ethics & Compliance Programs; at Global CSR/ESG Day, February 18.
• Panelist at 12th European Ethics, Compliance & Integrity Forum 2021 (Nov 25, 2021), Panel #2 “Compliance & Integrity in Supply Chains – Between Reality and Illusion”, along with Parosha Chandran (Professor of Modern Slavery, King’s College London, UK), Farzana Mohomed (Compliance Officer, NEOM), Kyrill Farbmann (European Compliance Director, McDonald’s Corporation, Belgium), Piotr Chmiel (Compliance Officer, T Mobile, Poland) and Sonja Wüstemann (Professor of Accountacy and Controlling, European University Viadrina, Germany).
• Panelist at European Compliance and Ethics Conference 2021 (Oct 6-7, 2021), Panel “Solving the Problems of Tomorrow”, along with Andreas Pyrcek (EY), Kena Pitts (LeadHER International), Catherine Delhaye (Le Cercle de la Compliance). October 6, 2021. [Panel video recording]
• DUCU, Cristian (2021), The Profile of an Effective Ethics & Compliance Officer; at “2021 G-R-E-C-S Knowledge Hub”, European Ethics & Compliance Association”, May 20.
• Panel chair at 11th European Ethics, Compliance & Integrity Forum. Panel “Whistleblowing”, with Philip Brennan (, Ireland), Michael Kayser (Idox Germany) and Martin Woods (UK).
• DUCU, Cristian (2020), Doua idei despre whistleblowing în mediul de afaceri din Romania [Two Ideas about Whistleblowing in the Romanian Business Sector]; at CivicAIP launching event, November 19.
• DUCU, Cristian (2020), Political Risk in the Business Sector. Getting a Grip of Political Roots of Corruption in the Private Sector; at Croatia East Europe Ethics & Compliance Congress 2020, November 26-27.
• DUCU, Cristian (2020), Corporate Whistleblowing Mechanisms. Effectiveness and Conflicts of Interest; White Collar Crime & Corporate Fraud in Romania, InterContinental Bucharest, February 27.
• DUCU, Cristian (2019), Building the Case for the Regional Initiative on Police Ethics. With the Involvement of the Civil Society; “Regional Initiative on Organizational Ethics and Integrity” Conference, National Anti-Corruption Directorate, Poiana Brașov, Romania, December 10-12.
• DUCU, Cristian (2019), Political Risk from a Public Affairs Perspective; at “Conferința Națională de Lobby și Advocacy”, Bucharest, September 24.
• DUCU, CristianDUCU, Cristian (2019), Etica publicitatii in contextul constructiei digitale a identitatii noastre [The Ethics of Advertising in the Context of the Digital Construction of Our Identity]; The National Congress of Communication Students, 16th Edition: “CustomADsation”, SNSPA, Bucharest, April 19.
• DUCU, Cristian (2019), DPO, ECO/CCO, Legal Manager. Relationship in Medium and Large Enterprises; “Data Protection: Solutii si responsabilitati” – a Legal Magazin conference, 6th edition, Bucharest Chamber of Commerce, Bucharest, December 12.
• DUCU, Cristian (2019), Emerging Risks. 3 Types and Their Impact on Central and Eastern European Businesses; Thomson Reuters, Bucharest, October 2.
• DUCU, Cristian (2019), Conflictele de interese din perspectivă morală [Conflicts of Interest from a Moral Perspective]; Anti-Corruption event (‘Regimul juridic al incompatibilitatilor si al conflictelor de interese la nivelul Consiliului Judetean Giurgiu – palierul management si executive (echipe de accesare/implementare proiecte)’), Giurgiu Local Council, Giurgiu, September 20.
• DUCU, Cristian (2018), A Broader Perspective over the Past, Present, and Future Approaches to Corruption, with special relevance to the Efforts to Protect the EU financial interests in Romania; at “Corruption Prevention Mechanisms related to EU Funded Projects”, 2nd edition, Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, June 28. Organizer: Centre for Legal Resources. Funding: European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), under the EU Programme Hercule III (2014-2020).
• DUCU, Cristian (2018), The Challenges of ABAC Compliance in the Supply Chain. From Due Diligence to 3rd-Party Audit; at “Zagreb Ethics & Compliance Conference”, Weston Hotel, Zagreb, June 13-14.
• DUCU, Cristian (2018), The Challenges of ABAC Compliance in the Supply Chain. From Due Diligence to 3rd-Party Audit; at EthicsComplianceHubs, 2018 Edition, Musat & Associates, June 7.
• DUCU, Cristian (2018), Data Protection: From Conformity to the Right Organizational Culture; “Data Protection: Solutii si responsabilitati” – a Legal Magazin conference, 5th edition, Bucharest Chamber of Commerce, May 24. CARMAE – conference partner.
• DUCU, Cristian (2018), Intrusive and Corrosive New and Emerging Practices and Technologies in Digital Advertising and Client Retention; National Congress of Communication Students, 15th Edition: “BotVertising”, Romanian Banking Institute, Bucharest, April 20.
• DUCU, Cristian (2018), Cum faci sa afli ca lucrurile nu merg asa cum ti-ai dori? Despre mecanisme de ‘early’ si ‘late-warning’ [How Do You Find Out That Things Are Not Going as You Would Like Them To? About the Early and Late-Warning Mechanisms]; at “Solutii eficiente de lupta impotriva coruptiei si a fraudei” – a Legal Magazin conference, 2nd edition, Bucharest Chamber of Commerce, February 1. CARMAE conference partner. [inNews]
• DUCU, Cristian (2017), Regula celor 3 de “I”: Integritate-Incredere-Integritate [The Rule of the 3 “I”: Integritty-Trust-Integrity]; at the Annual Conference of UNSAR (National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania), 1st Edition, December 7.
• DUCU, Cristian (2017), Raportarea non-financiară pentru companiile cu capital de stat din România: provocări și sugestii [Non-Financial Reporting for Romanian SOEs: Challenges and Suggestions]; at the “EthicsComplianceHub”, Musat & Associates, September 28.
• Invited speaker at the “Improving Anti-Corruption Policies and Practices through an Active Civil Society Participation”, 25-26 May 2017, Romanian Academy / Senate of Romania, Bucharest, Romania. Organizer: EUROLINK – House of Europe Foundation.
• DUCU, Cristian (2017), Looby-ul si traficul de influenta pentru profesionistii din administratia publica [Lobby and Influence-Peddling for Romanian Public Administration Professionals]; invited at the “Integritatea si prevenirea coruptiei in sectorul public” (“Corruption Prevention and Integrity in the Public Sector”) Workshop, May 25, HQ of the Giurgiu County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Giurgiu, Romania. Organizers: Giurgiu County Council and General Directorate of Anti-Corruption – Giurgiu.
• DUCU, Cristian (2017), The Enhanced Paradigm regarding the Effectiveness of the Ethics & Compliance Programs; invited at the “Thomson Reuters Risk Roadshow 2017”, May 11, Epoque Hotel, Bucharest, Romania.
• DUCU, Cristian (2017), Looking beyond Regulatory Compliance. The Costs Associated to Toxic Organisational Practices; at “The Corporate Governance Conference“, 2017 Edition — “The Future of Corporate Governance: New Regulations, Best Practices, and Corporate Culture”, May 5, Hilton Cyprus Hotel, Nicosia, Cyprus. [NB: A different presentation than the one delivered at the 2017 European Ethics & Compliance Forum.]
• Panelist at the “2017 OECD Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum“, 19. “Anti-Corruption Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, 31 March 2017, OECD Conference Centre, Paris, France. Organizer: OECD.
• DUCU, Cristian (2017), Building an Effective Ethics & Compliance Program; at “1st Annual Global Anti-corruption, Compliance & Ethics Summit“, March 16-17, Radisson Blu Lisbon, Portugal.
• DUCU, Cristian (2016), Looking beyond Regulatory Compliance. The Costs Associated to Toxic Organisational Practices; at 2017 European Ethics & Compliance Forum (ECF EU 2016), 1st Edition, November 10-11, Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania.
• DUCU, Cristian (2016), The Costs of B2B Corruption ‘for’ Companies; at Czech Compliance Conference, October 24-25, Hilton Conference Centre, Prague, Czech Republic. Organizer: Czech Compliance Association.
• DUCU, Cristian (2016), Raportarea non-financiara la nivel international si local [Non-Financial Reporting at International and Local Level]; at Roundtable on Non-Financial Reporting, October 13, Victoria Palace, Bucharest. Organizer: Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics.
• DUCU, Cristian (2016), Rolul Managementului Resurselor Umane in prevenirea sabotajului in administratia publica [ The Role of the HRM in Preventing Sabotage in Public Administration]; at “Conferinta Nationala de Control Intern Managerial si Audit Public Intern“, 4th edition: “Eficienta, transparenta si eficacitate in administratia publica”, Rin Grand Hotel, Bucharest, October 10, 2016. Organizer: INCIR.
• DUCU, Cristian (2016), Failing to Build a Corporate Culture of Integrity: the “Tone at the Top” Factor; at Corporate Governance Team Day, April 20, Novotel Bucharest City Centre. Organizer: Sustainalytics.
• DUCU, Cristian (2016), The Culture of Sabotage in Romanian Business Organisations; at Corporate Compliance Conference, March 24, Marriott Hotel Bucharest, Romania. Organizers: Wolf Theiss, EY Romania, Trace International, US Embassy.
• DUCU, Cristian (2016), Ethics & Compliance Reporting in Non-Financial Transparency Era. Challenges and Approaches; at 2016 Romanian Ethics and Compliance Forum (ECF RO 2016), 1st Edition, February 11, Unicredit Bank Bucharest HQ, Romania.
• DUCU, Cristian (2015), Ethical Assessment of Clinical Trials in Romanian Medical Environment; at Outsourcing Clinical Trials in Emerging European Countries (OCTEEC), October 1-2, Bucharest, Romania.
• DUCU, Cristian (2015), Moral Leadership, Employee Motivation, and Organisational Performance; at National Human Resources Conference, September 25, Bucharest, Romania.
• DUCU, Cristian (2014), O scurta cartografiere a limitelor etice asociate neuromarketingului [A Brief Mapping of the Ethical Limits Associated with Neuromarketing]; National Congress of Communication Students, 11th Edition: “Neuromarketing”, Casa de Cultura a Studentilor Bucuresti, May 9.
• DUCU, Cristian (2013), Profit versus Binele Comun. Cât de etice îşi permit să fie companiile? [Profit vs. the Common Good. How Ethical Companies Afford to Be?]; at “Poor Rich Country. The Responsibilities of Economy” Debate, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Romania, Howard Johnson Hotel, November 28, 2013. [read more]
• DUCU, Cristian (2012), Why Should a Company Develop an Ethics & Compliance Management System? Preventing Internal Fraud; at the 1st Romanian Compliance Conference, Romanian Banking Institute, Bucharest, February 7, 2012.
• DUCU, Cristian (2011), Is Business Integrity Relative to Social Capital? Seeing Things Differently; at the “Regional Conference on Integrity in Private Sector – Together for Integrity”, Transparency International Romania, Sibiu, June 1-3, 2011.
• DUCU, Cristian (2011), Întărind credibilitatea programelor de CSR prin susţinerea economiei sociale [Strengthening the Credibility of CSR Programs by supporting the Social Economy]; at the “Rolul parteneriatului în dezvoltarea economiei sociale” [The Role of Partnership in Social Economy Development], Romanian Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, Timişoara, April 13-15, 2011.
• DUCU, Cristian (2010), CSR, Ethics & Compliance Management, and Profitability; at “Отговорен бизнес 2010 Sofia”, October 19, 2010. Conference organizer: PARI Daily (Sofia, Bulgaria).