This page contains a brief presentation of my expertise areas and should not be intended as a comprehensive account of my experience or a highlight of the most representative business and academic projects I was involved with. The sole purpose of this page is to provide a short description of what I have been doing in the last 2 decades. For more details, I suggest that you either view my online resume or request a more complete curriculum vitae via email.

International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business

Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2011, 4th edition: "Ethical Aspects in New and Emerging Technologies"

Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2011, 4th edition: "Ethical Aspects in New and Emerging Technologies"

Ethics & Compliance Management

In the last decade, I was involved in various projects on ethics institutionalization in organizations and professions, from research projects (e.g., MECOPP Ro) to applied programs helping both public and private entities mitigate saboteur cultures. My focus is on tools and mechanisms that work in real life situations, in real organizations, that go beyond pretty words and phrases like “organizational change”, “organizational culture”, “ethical climate”, “integrity”. My business services in this field include consultancy for developing Ethics & Compliance Management Systems (*ECMS, also known as “ethics/compliance programs”, “ethics infrastructure” or “ethics framework), all level training, audit & reporting. My clients included both companies and public institutions.


Integritatea in mediul de afaceri din Romania, 2011

Social Responsibility / Sustainability

At academic level, my activity in this field spans from organizing various events (conferences, workshops, roundtables) to contributions to various research projects. For example, the first two editions of the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics included several presentations on Social Responsibility. Moreover, in 2012, Georgiana Grigore, Alin Stancu and I funded the International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business, an itinerant event highly appreciated by the academic community.My MECOPP RO research project was partially focused on corporate social responsibility / sustainability reporting practices and some of the research conclusions served as basis for some of the consulting work I have been doing since 2010.

In 2012-2013, I was the only external consultant to work in ‘all 3 phases’ of the “We act responsibly! – The CSR Social Network” project. Thus, I had the opportunity to train several hundred people on Social Responsibility (and Corporate Integrity) and contribute to a couple documents on the same topic. I was also one of the 4 trainers to design, develop and deliver the “Social Responsibility Manager” training program offered by the same project.

My consulting and auditing work took me throughout Central and Eastern Europe (including Russia). In this capacity, I assisted large corporations interested in securing their supply chain from corrupt practices and environmental and socially irresponsible behavior. I am also working on corporate sustainability reporting, providing a unique expertise that reflect an indepth understanding of organizational processes and transparency practices.

Integrarea responsabilitatii sociale in organizatii

Communication & Ethics

Since 2010, I have been teaching regularly Communication Ethics in various Romanian state universities. For example, in 2010, I was invited to work with Professor I. Catineanu at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest (aka FJSC) and teach the “Ethics” and “Mass-Media Ethics” courses. When Professor Catineanu retired completely, I took on this two courses until 2014, when Professor V. Morar was appointed as guest Ethics professor. In 2016, due to a tight schedule, I decided to conclude my collaboration with FJSC.

In 2013, I joined my friend Irina Stanciugelu at the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, National School of Political and Administrative Sciences (aka FCRP) and together we taught the “Communication Ethics” (*currently, the course belongs to Professor D. Bortun). In 2016, for similar reasons, I decided to work only on Advertising Ethics with the students from the Advertising specialization (3 groups out of 11, i.e., around 70 students).

Currently, I work on a personal project that involves a systematic approach to Communication Ethics. Some parts of this project have been used as teaching material during my latest academic voyage. The first part of the project will be published in the summer of 2017. I will not disclose anything related to this project until the first volume will be ready to be distributed to bookstores across Romania.

Meanwhile, you can learn more about my work in Neuromarketing Ethics by consulting the volume edited with Andrew R. Thomas, Nicolae Al. Pop, and my good friend Ana Iorga at Springer: Ethics and Neuromarketing. Implications for Market Research and Business Practice (2016). My chapter is called: “Topoi in Neuromarketing Ethics” (pp. 31-64, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45609-6_3). A synopsis is available on my Academia and ResearchGate profiles.

Ethics and Neuromarketing. Implications for Market Research and Business Practice

Biosciences & Ethics


Technology & Ethics


Academia & Ethics


Governance & Ethics

Since 2011, I have constantly spent many hours on various ethics topics applied to governmental affairs (especially in matters of public policy) and police work. Some of my engagements were related to integrity in the public institutions: for example, from 2011-2016, I took a special interest in the Romanian National Anti-Corruption Strategy (the 2012-2016 and the 2016-2020 editions). In 2016 in particular, I did a lot of lobby on behalf of the Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied for introducing a coherent approach to integrity management in the public institutions.

In 2015 and 2016, I delivered a short training module on Ethics in European Affairs dealing with ethical conduct in the EU institutions. This training module was part of a training program developed by European Institute of Romania in European Affairs.

In 2014 and 2015, Radu Nicolae and I prepared and delivered five sessions on Integrity Management in public administration. These training sessions were part of a project lead by the Centre for Legal Resources and Romanian National Office for Civil Servants.

In 2013, I developed and delivered an innovative training that included ethical aspects relevant to police work, a module on police-citizen communication, and crisis management. The training session was hosted by IPJ Ilfov with support from the Romanian Police, IGPR and SNPPC. The trainees were chief-officers from Ilfov local police stations.

Now, considering my academic activity, I have to mention my contribution to a very important publication edited by Ms. Simina Tanasescu (currently, State Counselor for Romanian President and Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest) on Lobby. The volume — Lobby in Romania versurs Lobby in the European Union (see on the right) — was commissioned by the European Institute of Romanian and it happened to be published during a very sensitive period, because the Romanian Parliament was pushing for a Law on Lobby. The intention of the commissioner and the authors was to support with data and in depth analysis any atempt to regulate the lobby/advocacy activity. My chapter deals with Ethics in Lobby (pp. 99-112) and it can be read here.

Lobby in Romania vs. Lobby in UE

Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

This is my core expertise, holding a BA and a PhD in Philosophy. My BA thesis focused on the concept of authority in the medieval culture and it was an initial exploration of the topic, while the PhD dealt with the concept of happiness (i.e., the mechanism of moral action) according to Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. During my initial formation, I was involved in several academic initiatives related to the history of ancient Greek and medieval Latin philosophy: from Studia Mediaevalia, an ad-hoc research group that organized two local conferences (Studia Mediaevalia Colloquium), to the Centre in Medieval Studies of the University of Bucharest. Since 2013, I have postponed most of my work in this direction because I decided to dedicate most of my time to Applied Ethics, and in particular to ethics in several public policy areas.